Find the Best Therapists in Colorado
Choose from approximately 315 LifeStance
therapists that serve patients in Colorado. Our therapists see patients in 38 local offices in Colorado and also provide virtual appointments throughout the state.Robin R. Baker, Therapist
Practice Location
Sandra M. Gerardo, Therapist
Practice Location
Victoria Mendoza, Therapist
Practice Location
Michelle Ellis, Therapist
Practice Location
Dr. Brenda Dr. Brenda, Therapist
Practice Location
Jeff Kupfer, Psychologist
Practice Location
Courtney E Knight, Therapist
Practice Location
Nathan Oden, Therapist
Practice Location
Leah Dents, Therapist
Practice Location
Mike Hotz, Therapist
Practice Location
Janson Shehorn, Therapist
Practice Location
Marcy Libeer, Therapist
Practice Location
Find the best therapist near you in Colorado by choosing from approximately 315 therapists in Colorado. Our highly rated licensed therapists see patients in 38 mental health clinics in Colorado and also provide online therapy services. Our therapists provide a variety of mental health services, specializing in treating mental healthcare issues including anxiety, depression, work stress, relationship issues, and trauma in Colorado.
Our LifeStance browse the list of our LifeStance in Colorado or our licensed mental health therapists will help you to select the care you need. psychiatrists
therapists and psychologists offer talk therapy or psychotherapy. If you need treatment medication management or any other treatment provided by psychiatrists, you canAt LifeStance we understand that a personal connection between a mental health care professional and a provider is very important, so we encourage you to browse our directory as we have providers who speak your language, accept your insurance, and specialize in the issues you are going through.
We highly encourage our practices’ patients to visit our mental health clinics in Colorado to schedule in-person therapy sessions as some services like group therapy, DBT sessions, and play therapy are better in-person and in group settings.
Find a LifeStance in Colorado who matches what you are looking for. mental health therapist/counselor
Below, read more FAQS about how to find a LifeStance therapist in Colorado.
FAQs about how to find a LifeStance
therapist in ColoradoFind a therapist near you in Colorado on LifeStance. To find your perfect match use filters like insurance accepted, therapy specialty, and provider identity. Mental health care counselors on LifeStance are highly rated and vetted for their extensive experience treating individual adults, children and adolescents, as well as couples and families. They offer both in-person and telehealth care.
Yes, most health insurance carriers in Colorado cover mental health care including therapy. Calculating the exact amount of coverage will be based on the plan details and whether the selected mental health counselor is in-network or out-of-network. LifeStance is in-network with most insurance plans in Colorado, so you’ll pay only a copay at each session after meeting your annual deductible.
We work with: Evernorth (Cigna), Carelon (Kaiser Permanente), Town and Country (MotivHealth), Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS), Tricare East (Humana Military), UC Health/SBA (TriWest), Humana, Sana Benefits, MultiPlan (PHCS), Provider Network of America (PNOA), Optum (UnitedHealthcare), Centivo, MediNcrease Health Plans (MHP), Behavioral Health Systems (BHS), Partners Direct Health, Aetna and Elevance Health (Anthem BCBS).
However, even in cases when a therapist is out-of-network with your insurance, you may still be able to receive reimbursement from your insurance company especially If you have a PPO or POS insurance plan. If you have an HMO, EPO, or Medicaid/Medicare plan that LifeStance is out of network with, you likely cannot receive a reimbursement and would be responsible for the full out-of-network session fee. LifeStance mental health therapist rates vary based on experience, we would be happy to assist you with clarifying the rate and finding you the right therapist.
Once you have found a therapist in Colorado you want to make an appointment with, you can proceed with booking an appointment online via a link on the therapist’s profile or request a callback so our office will call you at the time that is convenient for you. This is especially important for new patients, as normally your therapist will schedule your next appointment with you before the end of the session. If you are a new patient or want to schedule a session with another provider, the LifeStance scheduling specialist will go over your scheduling preferences and therapist’s availability in-person or online. If your treatment involves scheduling appointments in group settings, our specialist will follow up with days and times with you over a phone call.
LifeStance offers many different kinds of
mental health providers available in Colorado including psychologists, clinical social workers, and mental health counselors. Common types of therapy provided in Colorado include cognitive therapies, like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Other providers offer a blend of techniques for a more interpersonal, holistic approach. You should be able to receive most of the treatments via virtual care, however, there are some types of therapy that will require in-person visits like TMS and EMDR therapy.Some LifeStance mental health therapists in Colorado also offer specialized treatment services, like couples therapy, marital and premarital counseling, and relationship and family therapy. While most LifeStance therapists in Colorado are qualified to treat general challenges, like depression, anxiety disorders, trauma, relationship difficulties, and low self-esteem, for concerns such as substance abuse, personality disorders, and eating disorders, you could be referred to our team of psychiatrists and PMHNPs. Together with your therapist, you’ll build a treatment plan that addresses your reasons for seeking therapy and monitor progress toward your wellness goals and overall well-being.
You have to be in the state where your mental health therapist is licensed in to receive the care. Please let your therapist know that you will be traveling out of state and we will come up with a solution for you.
Additional Cities in Colorado
- Arvada
- Aurora
- Boulder
- Brighton
- Broomfield
- Ca�On City
- Cascade
- Castle Rock
- Centennial
- Cherry Hills Village
- Clifton
- Colorado Springs
- Commerce City
- Cripple Creek
- Denver
- Divide
- Edgewater
- Englewood
- Erie
- Evans
- Federal Heights
- Firestone
- Florence
- Florissant
- Fort Collins
- Fountain
- Franktown
- Frederick
- Fruita
- Golden
- Grand Junction
- Greeley
- Green Mountain Falls
- Greenwood Village
- Highlands Ranch
- Hygiene
- Lafayette
- Lakewood
- Laporte
- Littleton
- Lone Tree
- Longmont
- Louisville
- Loveland
- Lyons
- Manitou Springs
- Mead
- Monument
- Morrison
- Niwot
- Northglenn
- Palisade
- Parker
- Penrose
- Platteville
- Pueblo
- Superior
- Thornton
- Timnath
- Victor
- Wellington
- Westminster
- Wheat Ridge
- Windsor
- Woodland Park
- Arvada
- Aurora
- Boulder
- Brighton
- Broomfield
- Ca�On City
- Cascade
- Castle Rock
- Centennial
- Cherry Hills Village
- Clifton
- Colorado Springs
- Commerce City
- Cripple Creek
- Denver
- Divide
- Edgewater
- Englewood
- Erie
- Evans
- Federal Heights
- Firestone
- Florence
- Florissant
- Fort Collins
- Fountain
- Franktown
- Frederick
- Fruita
- Golden
- Grand Junction
- Greeley
- Green Mountain Falls
- Greenwood Village
- Highlands Ranch
- Hygiene
- Lafayette
- Lakewood
- Laporte
- Littleton
- Lone Tree
- Longmont
- Louisville
- Loveland
- Lyons
- Manitou Springs
- Mead
- Monument
- Morrison
- Niwot
- Northglenn
- Palisade
- Parker
- Penrose
- Platteville
- Pueblo
- Superior
- Thornton
- Timnath
- Victor
- Wellington
- Westminster
- Wheat Ridge
- Windsor
- Woodland Park
- Arvada
- Aurora
- Boulder
- Brighton
- Broomfield
- Ca�On City
- Cascade
- Castle Rock
- Centennial
- Cherry Hills Village
- Clifton
- Colorado Springs
- Commerce City
- Cripple Creek
- Denver
- Divide
- Edgewater
- Englewood
- Erie
- Evans
- Federal Heights
- Firestone
- Arvada
- Aurora
- Boulder
- Brighton
- Broomfield
- Ca�On City
- Cascade
- Castle Rock
- Centennial
- Cherry Hills Village
- Clifton
- Colorado Springs
- Commerce City
- Cripple Creek
- Denver
- Divide
- Edgewater
- Englewood
- Erie
- Evans
- Federal Heights
- Firestone
- Florence
- Florissant
- Fort Collins
- Fountain
- Franktown
- Frederick
- Fruita
- Golden
- Grand Junction
- Greeley
- Green Mountain Falls
- Arvada
- Aurora
- Boulder
- Brighton
- Broomfield
- Ca�On City
- Cascade
- Castle Rock
- Centennial
- Cherry Hills Village
- Clifton
- Colorado Springs
- Commerce City
- Cripple Creek
- Denver
- Divide
- Edgewater
- Englewood
- Erie
- Evans
- Federal Heights
- Firestone
- Florence
- Florissant
- Fort Collins
- Fountain
- Franktown
- Frederick
- Fruita
- Golden
- Grand Junction
- Greeley
- Green Mountain Falls
- Greenwood Village
- Highlands Ranch
- Hygiene
- Lafayette
- Lakewood
- Laporte