My name is Amber Hulgan, and I’m a licensed therapist practicing in Oklahoma. But before I became a therapist, I was simply a daughter who experienced a devastating loss. In 2002, when I was 28 years old, my mom died by suicide. She was only 46. My life has since been divided into two pieces: the years before her death and everything after.
My mother battled bipolar disorder and depression for much of her life. Her early years were filled with trauma, and that pain lingered, making her illness even harder to bear. She had moments of light—times when her laughter would fill the room and her energy was contagious. But the darkness she carried was deep, and it eventually consumed her.
I want to share my story to help others recognize the warning signs of suicide, navigate the pain of loss, and understand how to intervene effectively.
I wasn’t a therapist back then. I didn’t know what to do. I tried my best to help her by reaching out to others, but she felt unloved and like a burden, even though nothing could have been further from the truth. I miss her in ways I couldn’t even fathom back then, and 22 years later, her loss is still a part of me. Losing someone to suicide is different from losing them to illness, old age, or even an accident. The grief is wrapped in shame and unanswered questions, though there’s no shame in what happened.
I’ve learned a lot since losing my mom, both from my personal journey and my work as a therapist. I want to share my story to help others recognize the warning signs of suicide, navigate the pain of loss, and understand how to intervene effectively.