Find In-Network WISE Provider Networks Therapists, Psychiatrists or Psychologists in Utah
Most of the insurance providers we work with in Utah provide coverage for mental health services, including in-person or online therapy and psychiatry.
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Explore Therapists, Psychiatrists, and Psychologists in Utah Who Accept WISE Provider Networks Insurance
Roger Durfey, Therapist
Practice Location
Mandi Spens, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
Practice Locations
Jesse Beebe, Therapist
Practice Location
Lorrie Belnap, Therapist
Practice Location
Sharee Hendricks, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
Practice Location

Christopher Moore, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
Practice Location
Jeff Carr, Therapist
Practice Locations
Danielle Jorgensen, Therapist
Practice Location
Shadrick Tillotson, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
Practice Locations
Ashley Andrews, Therapist
Practice Location
Alisha Schlabaugh, Therapist
Practice Location
Nikki Probst, Therapist
Practice Location