It’s important to learn and be knowledgeable about your partner’s diagnosis and that it presents differently in everybody. You can prepare yourself by being open and curious about how your partner’s diagnosis is impacting their life.
You should approach this in a mindful and respectful way. Your partner’s bipolar disorder diagnosis is just a biologic condition and is just as much a part of who they are as the type of work they do or their likes and dislikes.
You can start to communicate and support your partner by having an open heart and being present and receptive to how they are feeling. Continue to be a loving and supportive partner.
When you start these conversations, remember to use “I statements” such as, “I want to be supportive of you” or, “what are some things I can help you with.”
Just like in any relationship, being in tune to one another’s emotional state, continually learning and having earnest, humble curiosity and genuine care and love are incredibly crucial in building and maintaining a healthy relationship.
You’re not alone. Our providers can help.